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 Everyone needs a break now and again

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Male Character Age : 28
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PostSubject: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2012 3:43 am

The day would just be beginning for the residents of Sakyugakure, the sun would just now be peaking over the great wall as it made its ascent to the skies above. On this day, the Sabakukage would be out and about obviously neglecting the paper work he had left in his office only a few minutes ago. Neo would be sitting on a nearby bench as he waited for the train to arrive so that he may explore some of his village, wearing his usual attire that consisted of his red cloak, his dark pants and his kage hat which rested upon his back. Surprisingly even Neo has yet to see the entire village but today would be his chance to change that. The train arrived and Neo boarded then found his seat, the rail system that had been implemented seemed to be working like a charm from this point of view. The train was moving rather swiftly as Neo neared his destination, The lower district. It was rare to see higher ups roaming around in this area but what the heck Neo was here to give it a shot. Honestly it didn't look to bad at least not as bad as most people speak about it. Neo would hop off the train and began to roam around the district a bit you never know maybe he'll find some interesting characters here, although there was no guarantee Neo just had a gut feeling.
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Tokubetsu Jōnin
Tokubetsu Jōnin

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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2012 4:54 am

I was sitting down on a pile of boxes, reading a new book I had found stashed away in my grandfather's private collection about the tailed beast. The outrage they had caused Takeru in our conversation several days ago had made me more interested in them. One in particular had always been considered a type of demi-god to the Aburame, that being the Nibi no Suzumebachi. I took a moment however to rest my eyes and look around to spot the kage walking around. It was odd to see the man down here in the lower districts so I took my book mark out of my coat pocket and slipped it between the pages I was reading before standing up and waving.
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Male Character Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2012 5:09 am

As Neo wandered through the lower district's streets his eyes caught someone waving at him. After moving closer to the figure he identified it as one of his shinobi, one he knew in fact. He would approach Shitai and wave in return, after coming into speaking range he would be the first to say something. "Hello Shitai, been a few days sense we last spoke, how have you been?" the young kage would speak in a pleasant tone with a smile aboard his face it wasn't often these two would meet when it wasn't about business and such.
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Tokubetsu Jōnin
Tokubetsu Jōnin

Character Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2012 5:44 am

I nodded to the man and pulled my book up for him to see, "Not bad, just catching up on some reading like normal. So what brings you down here to the lower district?" The title of my book would read, 'The Mystery of the Tailed Beast', and after I finished speaking would flip open my coat and place it in an inside pocket. After putting it away I would just put my hands in my pockets and wait for some conversation to flow, I always enjoyed speaking with the kage outside a business setting as we were near the same age and had many similar views.
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Male Character Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2012 6:34 am

Eyeing the book he caught the name 'The Mystery of the Tailed Beast' and that within its self caught Neo's attention. Putting that aside for now he would address Shitai's question about him being here in the lower district, "Well earlier today I realized how much of the village I have yet to see yet and after a couple minutes of thinking on it here I am". Neo would look around for a second before continuing " As much as I have heard from others the lower district seems to be doing quite well glad to see, would be a hassle if I had riots breaking out". He rubbed the back of his head as he laughed softly, stopping himself he would speak once again addressing why Shitai was here "so what brought you down here old friend, more peace and quiet for your reading I am assuming?".
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Tokubetsu Jōnin
Tokubetsu Jōnin

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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeThu Nov 22, 2012 6:45 am

I nodded my head in agreement as he said the part about riots, such a thing would be most unfortunate considering the age of the buildings and the history each of them held that would be damaged or even destroyed. When asked why I was down here I simply replied, "Yeah the peace down here is nice, much more privacy then Im allowed in the Aburame's quarters in the upper ring. But Im also quite the tea enthusiast as you know, I was thinking about grabbing some now actually. Care to join me?"
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Male Character Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 3:16 am

Neo listened as Shitai asked Neo if he was up for tea, thinking on it for a second he agreed with a nod of his head. Knowing how much Shitai enjoyed his tea wherever he did take them the tea was bound to be good no matter what. He would step to the side "lead the way" awaiting Shitai to begin leading the two in the right direction. While he waited his eyes started drifting about again, trying to take in everything he saw even though this would not be his last visit to the lower district he wanted to attempt to take it all in before hand.
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Tokubetsu Jōnin
Tokubetsu Jōnin

Character Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 3:35 am

As he asked me to lead I would just nod and start on my way, there was of course only one place that I would be taking us to this fine day or any other day and to my knowledge this would be the kage's first visit there. "I wonder Lord Neo, have you heard of a place called the Jade Dragon? Rumor has it that its even better than the private brew made up in the palace, best in the village if not possibly the entire country." A slight chuckle would escape me, it was a bit dry since I didnt normally do it but it wasnt strong enough to be mistaken as sarcasm since I was being serious even though such a notion seemed odd to make. We would still be walking down the crowded streets towards the shop, still several blocks away but soon enough we would be there.
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Male Character Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 3:49 am

Neo would follow after Shitai, matching his pace as they made their way down the street. Shitai asked Neo has he ever heard of a place called the 'Jade Dragon' thinking on it for a second he shook his head stating that hadn't. Shitai continued on to say that it was said that the tea created there was perhaps the best in not only the village but the country as well. Neo now anxious to get a taste of this magnificent sounding tea, almost didn't notice Shitai's small chuckle, upon hearing it a small laugh would escape Neo as it was rare to hear from him. "You tell me rumors, but what is your personal opinion on the tea my friend?"
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Tokubetsu Jōnin
Tokubetsu Jōnin

Character Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 4:01 am

I kept on walking but slowed and turned to look right at him as I spoke, "Honestly, I think that if these rumors aren't accurate then I would gladly cross the Ressa a thousand times to taste whatever beats it." Another chuckle and I would return to looking forward as I walked and continued, "The place is run by an old man named Iroh, a refugee that came here a few years ago from one of the smaller villages destroyed in the war. The entire staff is him and his nephew and the service is as good as the tea, if only there were more men in the world with such a positive outlook as him. But in any case here we are." I would stop in front of what appeared to be a rather modest looking tea shop with a sign that read 'Jade Dragon' with a picture of a green lung dragon on it circling the edges hanging above the door. The appearance might make the kage skeptical but he would see soon enough, the two would continue inside after anything Neo might have to say and grab a seat at an empty table.
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Male Character Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 4:46 am

Neo laughed at Shitai's determination to find the best there was even if it means facing menacing situations such as crossing the Ressa a thousand times. Neo would listen as he Shitai explained the Jade Dragons origins, Iroh seemed to be regarded highly by Shitai and Neo would show the same amount of respect when he got the chance to meet him. They had arrived at the Jade Dragon, Neo would look over the place for a second{Not too shabby}. After finishing his exterior outlook of the tea shop he would motion Shitai to continue onward inside to get a taste of this great tea.
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Tokubetsu Jōnin
Tokubetsu Jōnin

Character Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 5:01 am

After entering I would signal Iroh that I had a new patron with me, and almost as soon as we sat down he was at our table with a pot of his signature Jade tea and two cups. He welcomed us and then poured the drinks before realizing who I was drinking with and bowing at the waist, saying it was not every day we was allowed to serve such a powerful person. He would then bow once more and walk away to tend to the rest of his customers. I would be drining my tea slowly to enjoy the flavor before holding the cup at chest height while speaking, "So then, impressed so far?"
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Male Character Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 5:17 am

After finding a table Neo and Shitai quickly had their tea served to them, it was a rather impressive sight to behold. Iroh, the owner upon realizing who Neo was would bow Neo would nod in return "well If your tea is as good as I hear you may be serving this 'powerful' person nearly everyday". Iroh would leave to tend to his other duties and customers while Neo and Shitai would partake in the drinking of this tea. Neo would proceed to drink his tea and his eyes lit up in delight, if he had no common decency he probably would have chugged the whole cup. Shitai presented Neo a question, asking if he was impressed, Neo would put his cup down and reply "actually I am, this by far has got to be the most delicious tasting tea I've had in months and not only that but this service..." Neo would whistle to finish off the sentence. The compliments were well deserved "I wonder if he'll let me boost him up to an A-class building".
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Tokubetsu Jōnin
Tokubetsu Jōnin

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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 5:26 am

I sat and thought about what he was saying, granted in my mind Iroh would rather remain humble but I was not him so I could not speak for him and would simply nod. "I doubt anyone would mind such a thing, though more room means more people and he'd need workers. Then again that could be a good way to put the new genin to work." I would take another drink and continue, "I actually have something to talk about with you though, as Im sure youve heard I made some break through discoveries in my most recent trip into the Ressa but in order to learn more Ill need to go deeper and possibly have some protection alongside me." I would leave it open for now, I knew the kage wasnt stupid and would know what I meant but I wondered if he would offer his services or not on his own.
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Male Character Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 5:39 am

Neo would listen to Shitai's logic it all seemed like it would go rather well if Iroh was to agree but that would have to wait until another day. Shitai would begin speaking on a more serious note, recalling his trips into the Ressa where he has made a few discoveries. Neo would nod as he had been informed about this piece of information, Shitai would continue on to say that he needed to go deeper in order to get more information and he might want some protection. Neo saw the opportunity lingering in the air, Neo knew the dangers that were also presented by this opportunity but he has yet to face a challenge he couldn't over come besides he was still young and he wanted to experience as much adventure as possible. "Shitai, If you'll have me, I'll gladly accompany you on this expedition what better protection then the kage himself right? well besides some armor but you catch my meaning I'm sure" Neo would smile and take another sip of his tea while he awaited Shi's reaction.
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Tokubetsu Jōnin
Tokubetsu Jōnin

Character Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 5:51 am

He had obtained the services of the kage for his journey, there was one more person he wanted by his side on this dangerous venture but he would have to go elsewhere to find him after some time. "Alright then its settled, it possible we should leave tomorrow morning. I have another person in mind to join us, Takeru. His experience of these lands exceeds out own to the extreme and while my kikai and your magnetic powers will be the driving force to get us through the storm we may need his knowledge upon encountering the dangerous tribes that reside at the center." I would take one more drink, my cu almost empty but this would be my only cup for now as our meeting would soon be over, "We will need modified exploration suits, equip with tanks set for at least five to six hours. Can you get these things in time?"
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Male Character Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 6:00 am

It had been decided and if Neo heard correctly another would be joining in on this adventure, good the more the merrier or at least so they say. Takeru was the third companion's name and Neo felt as if he had heard the name before somewhere, for now he would shrug the thought off. Shi would ask if Neo would be able to get some modified exploration for the 3 of them and he would nod in confirmation as he finished off his cup of tea, it shouldn't be too hard being the kage and what not did come with some benefits.
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Tokubetsu Jōnin
Tokubetsu Jōnin

Character Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 6:04 am

Shitai was excited, his plans were being set in motion and by this time tomorrow he would be getting more research done than he had in years all at once. He finished his tea and stood up, signaled Iroh to put both drinks on his tab and then walking on to pat Neo on the should. "At dawn then, we both have much to prepare." I then would walk out of the tea shop and start making my way to the train to go to the upper district to get Takeru informed of the plans, he had been interested in my research before so hopefully he would want to join us in the follow up expedition.

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Male Character Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Everyone needs a break now and again   Everyone needs a break now and again Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 11:18 am

With everything out into motion Shitai would begin to head out, preparations had to be made so there wasn't much time for dilly dallying. As he patted Neo on the shoulder Neo would nod back slowly and watch him leave. A couple mintues later Neo himself would soon leave the shop and get everything he needed ready.

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