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 Lunch Break

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Character Age : 21
Posts : 156
Ryo : 18050

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PostSubject: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 4:02 am

Ventus sat on the patio of a restaurant and was looking up into the hole at the peak of the mountain, he enjoyed the view of the sky even it it was limited since it gave him a deep connection to the winds that flowed outside these rocky walls. In front of him was a bowl of rice and a plate of pork kebabs that he had not yet started on as he was waiting on someone today and had chosen to show up early to get a good place to sit. While he waited he popped a pocky stick from the box in his pocket into his mouth and chewed on it a bit to pass the time.
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Ayame Uchiha
Ayame Uchiha

Female Character Age : 21
Posts : 189
Ryo : 36900

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 4:14 am

Ayame made her way through Chika, her destination was a restraunt not too far off. She had made plans with Ventus to eat lunch together, something they rarely did due to their busy schedules. Making her way through the streets Ayame noticed an overflow of Refugee's trying to adjust to their new home, a sad thought crossed her mind.

Reaching her destination Ayame smiled as she approached Ventus ''Hey Lil bro!'' she practically roared getting the attention of those around them. Ayame sat down across from Ventus a large smile across her face ''Soooooo! Hows Genin life? Hows your Squad? Hows....'' Ayame continued to yabber on asking a whole bunch of questions.
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Character Age : 21
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Ryo : 18050

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 4:23 am

He laughed a bit when Ayame arrived and asked him about 'genin life', he responded quickly, "Genin life is great, to bad I'm a boring old chunin and all." He got up and pulled her chair out and then sat back down to start answering her questions. "Yes, no, no, kinda. Only on Tuesdays and not without at least three people and a tub of grease."
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Ayame Uchiha
Ayame Uchiha

Female Character Age : 21
Posts : 189
Ryo : 36900

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 4:42 am

A loud burst of laughter escaped Ayame's lungs, her loud personality once again drawing eyes in their direction. Ayame sat down giving a small and witty bow to Ventus ''So how have you really been Mr Chunin?, I think its time you rank yourself up finally, its time we made a name for ourselves as the great Uchiha Siblings of Chika... not the lone emo chick of Chika... Honestly I hear people call me that all the time!'' She said in one breath, something natural for her. A large bowl of Ramen and a bottle of Sake was placed on the table, obviously Ayame was a regular there and she never even had to let them know she was there nor order, at times she feels like they're trying to make her talk less and leave faster. ''Thank you good sir!'' she blurted out.
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Character Age : 21
Posts : 156
Ryo : 18050

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 4:57 am

I picked up one of my kebabs and ripped a chunk of me from it while Ayame's food was being brought over and after swallowing my bite I answered how things have been. "Well work has been busy with all these newcomers to the village. Been spending most of my time leading scout missions to determine if new caves are safe enough for housing." Then he thought about the prospect of training again to rank up or at least gain more control of his eyes which he wouldn't mind but didn't see much point in. "You know I don't mind training with you but we never seem to have time for it, especially with your schedule Ms Jonin."
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Ayame Uchiha
Ayame Uchiha

Female Character Age : 21
Posts : 189
Ryo : 36900

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 8:17 am

Ventus made a good point, both their schedules had gotten busier over the past year and with the Refugees things had only gotten worse and work loads had been increased drasticly, even to the point of her not being assigned to a Genin squad. Perhaps the War was too important for such trivial things but even so she still wished she could become a Sensei. Ayame slurped up half of her ramen before washing it down with sake. The sound of a satisfied "ahhhh" could be heard. "I suppose your right.. but there is a reasoning behind my wanting to spend time with you as well as train with you." she said as her voice suddenly turned serious. Ayame stretched out her arms followed by a loud yawn before bringing. her attention back to her Brother "A war is coming Brother.. and not just between the villages. Ever heard of the Raksaka? Even at your rank im sure rumours would have travelled by now" she added taking a sip of her sake once more.
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Aeran Uchiha
Aeran Uchiha

Male Character Age : 15
Posts : 324
Ryo : 13699

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 10:00 am

"Indeed." I would state as I revealed my location behind the corner a few feet away from the one called Ventus. My Sharingan was active, because I didn't feel like introductions today. Here was the last of the Uchiha in the Mountains, and then I would move elsewhere to find support. "What do you know of the Raksaka?"
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Character Age : 21
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Ryo : 18050

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 3:01 pm

Behind me someone had interrupted my conversation with Ayame, normally I would grow rather annoyed more than anything else but given the nature of the conversation as well as a new pair of sharingan made me just shrug and speak to both of them as though this had always been a three-way conversation. "Not much, though honestly I have been given orders to keep an ear out for that name while inspecting the vacant caves as a class S priority." I would then turn back to face only my sister as I said the next part, "friend of your's or something?"
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Ayame Uchiha
Ayame Uchiha

Female Character Age : 21
Posts : 189
Ryo : 36900

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 8:27 pm

Ayame rubbed the back of her head feeling mispleased, she was hoping things would be more dramatic about the other Uchiha but the boy Aeran decided to take a lazy approach. Pffftt... perhaps him and Ventus were more alike then she thought. Ayame shook her head at Ventus question ''More like an old Family member...'' she said downing more of her sake. Ayame let out a loud burp before bringing her attention back to the conversation at hand ''Seems like big boy here wants to get the Clan together... the rest on Joki died'' she said bowing her head in respect.
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Aeran Uchiha
Aeran Uchiha

Male Character Age : 15
Posts : 324
Ryo : 13699

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 11:11 pm

"Hmph." I grunted when I was called 'big boy' by this Uchiha woman. "Indeed, the Uchiha clan has been finished, and I am venturing to gather the remnants of our clan and reform a headquarters in the ruins of Jokigakure." I paused to wait for the response of the fellow clansmen. It seemed the man was almost as simple as I. I had a feeling we were going to agree on more than one issue in the future. These were the only Uchiha I had known to be in this village, so if these two said no, I would have to look elsewhere.
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Character Age : 21
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Ryo : 18050

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 12:07 am

I though on this proposal for a moment, the mood of my sister seemed uncertain and as always I was willing to go along with things so long as she went with me so I had an answer for the young kid. "You came here with sharingan in your skull and propose we set up base in our clan's destroyed homeland, well you had my curiosity but now you have my attention." I popped another stick of pocky into my lips and twisted it around a moment before going on, "I am willing to venture with you on the condition that you convince Ayame as well. I go where she goes after all."
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Ayame Uchiha
Ayame Uchiha

Female Character Age : 21
Posts : 189
Ryo : 36900

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 12:14 am

A slight giggled left Ayame's lips as she heard Aeran hmph at her, like most people of the Uchiha clan he was stubborn. Ayame giggled slightly at Ventus's reply, she had already made her decision long before when her and Aeran met in the spire. Ayame slurped up the last of her Ramen and washed it down with the last of the sake before she stood up and folded her arms ''So its decided! We are off on an Adventure of a life time!'' she cheered loudly, a large smile crossed her face. Ayame turned her attention to Aeran with a wink ''You see.. now more then ever Family has to stick together'' she chuckled.
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Aeran Uchiha
Aeran Uchiha

Male Character Age : 15
Posts : 324
Ryo : 13699

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 12:49 am

I grinned to show that I still did have a bit of a childish side about me when they both agreed to my proposal. I was definitely happy about their aggreeing, and with that smile, I remembered my old friend Takoda and all of the laughs we used to share. Thinking about him, my smile disappeared, and the notion that I would not be able to let these new people become my friends, or I risked hurting more people sunk in. People that I had to protect. "When shall we be off then?"
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Character Age : 21
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Ryo : 18050

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 12:52 am

With Ayame on board I looked to my food and ate the last bit of it before patting my stomach and responding, "I don't have any missions assigned as of yet so I'm good to go. But do you think we should give some form of notice to the Yamakage? We do have responsibilities though rebuilding the Uchiha to halt the war might go to he top of our lists when we tell him."
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Ayame Uchiha
Ayame Uchiha

Female Character Age : 21
Posts : 189
Ryo : 36900

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 1:00 am

Ayame paused for a moment at the mention of the Yamakage, Bryn... what would he say? Would he even allow them leave?. Ayame's mind flustered for answers until Ventus mentioned their responsibilities. Ayame had made her ind already she wasn't going to change it, LOVE could wait. ''Its up to you Vestus, I would rather not become rogue Ninja'' Ayame said with a tone of concern.
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Aeran Uchiha
Aeran Uchiha

Male Character Age : 15
Posts : 324
Ryo : 13699

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 10:13 am

"Sounds to me like it's settled then. He will only do it if you want to, and she wants to but will only do it if you want to. I think it's safe to say that leaving is a good option. I shall go ahead and start on my way to Jokigakure as I have no packing to do, and you two shall begin packing and talk to your kage. I will meet you in Jokigakure in one week's time. You'll know where to find me." And with that, I turned and walked back into the shadows before running up a wall and bounding over rooftops towards the exit to the Spire. After leaving the city, I trekked through the huge, ornate tunnel on the way to the Door. I would have to deactivate my Sharingan while I passed the ANBU Barracks, because I knew they monitored visitors, and I would certainly be questioned as to if I were a spy, not being an Uchiha form their own village. My journey would begin now, and everything was going to start falling into place.

One step at a time.

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Character Age : 21
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Ryo : 18050

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 8:48 pm

As the kid walked off I wiped my mouth and got to my feet, stretching my back when I did. "Well I guess I'll go pack my bag and meet you in the kage office in a few hours, see you then Ayame." I walked casually down the road towards my home, I would pack light for this trip as I felt we would need to move swiftly along the road.

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Ayame Uchiha
Ayame Uchiha

Female Character Age : 21
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Ryo : 36900

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 9:38 pm

Ayame watched as Aeran left, what a show off. The boy had convinced both Ayame and Ventus to join him on his mission and yet something still seemed hidden behind the boy true intentions, there was more to it then what he had asked but what was it?, Ayame snapped out of her daze as she heard Ventus speak, he too left her standing there. With things done Ayame was off to pack her things and would meet Ventus at Bryns office in a few, she started home.

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PostSubject: Re: Lunch Break   Lunch Break Icon_minitime

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