I understood his reasoning, but I was a little annoyed that Bryn ordered me, the vice commander of the rebellion forces, to stay in the village during our first major assault against the empire. I sighed and looked up at the high ceiling in the Yamakages office. I wondered how the whole assault was going, I had total faith that we would succeed but that wouldn't keep me from worrying for the life of my soldiers. I stood up and went to the window overlooking the mountain range and pulled a cigarette out of my pocket and light it up. I knew it was a horrible habit..I planned on quitting but not until I had something to fill the gap formed by the lose of my village...and I had the perfect filler in my sight. I put my hand up against the window and took another drag from my cigarette while looking out over Chikagakure. I did love these people, I really did, but this wasn't my home. My home was currently buried under mountains of water and inhabited by a variety of sea creatures instead of villagers. I would have my revenge on the Sanbi and I would bring back Fukamigakure, there was no question about it.